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Authentic Models For Kids Work the Strings Game

Authentic Models For Kids Work the Strings Game
Item# AM-MS063

Product Description

Does your child's imagination go on forever? Do they get bored with passive toys? Let the Authentic Models for Kids collection of toys and kits challenge them. Each piece in this collection is uniquely packaged to intrigue your kid before they even get to the toy inside. Both educational and whimsical, this Authentic Models for Kids Work the Strings is easy to learn and enjoy. Inquisitive minds will be busy for hours playing with this wonderful gift.

The package features four lengths of heavy string loops and two wooden circles, as well as instructions to create all kinds of designs using your hands and imagination. From a Jacob's Ladder to the 2-person Cat's Cradle, the clever instructions will help you every step of the way. Perfect for creative kids and for those who want to remember their playground pastimes.

Approximately 7" L x 6-1/2" W x 1" H